Since I hang out with a lot of CISOs, and understand their pain points, I urge readers to send a “thank you” and “you are the best” message to their CISO. You can’t imagine the pressure and stress they are under to try to protect the company’s data. To get a glimpse of why you need to appreciate your CISO, take a look at Proofpoint’s recently released “2024 Voice of the CISO: Global Insights into CISO challenges, Expectations and Priorities.”

Spoiler alert: the first sentence says, “CISOs are struggling with a jarring mix of challenges…” The statistics are grim but real:

  • Seventy percent of the 1600 CISOs surveyed “feel at risk of a material cyber attack over the next 12 months.”
  • Forty-three percent believe that their organization is “unprepared to cope with a targeted cyber attack in 2024.”
  • Forty-one percent believe that ransomware is the leading threat over the next 12 months, including double and triple extortion threats.
  • Seventy-four percent “consider human error to be their organization’s biggest cyber vulnerability.”
  • A substantial number of organizations in the education, health care, media, leisure, entertainment, financial services, and transport companies have lost data through employee theft.
  • Fifty-four percent of CISOs “believe generative AI poses a risk to their organization.”
  • Eighty-four percent of CISOs believe that “cybersecurity experts should be required at the board level.”
  • Sixty-six percent “believe there are excessive expectations on the CISO/CIO.

The survey shows that CISOs will face unmatched challenges in 2024, and need support from executives, the board, and employees. If you are in any of those categories, be cognizant of the work your CISO is doing, support that work, do your part as a team player, and say “thanks.” Give your CISO a little love after you read this. I am going to right now.

Photo of Linn Foster Freedman Linn Foster Freedman

Linn Freedman practices in data privacy and security law, cybersecurity, and complex litigation. She is a member of the Business Litigation Group and the Financial Services Cyber-Compliance Team, and chairs the firm’s Data Privacy and Security and Artificial Intelligence Teams. Linn focuses her…

Linn Freedman practices in data privacy and security law, cybersecurity, and complex litigation. She is a member of the Business Litigation Group and the Financial Services Cyber-Compliance Team, and chairs the firm’s Data Privacy and Security and Artificial Intelligence Teams. Linn focuses her practice on compliance with all state and federal privacy and security laws and regulations. She counsels a range of public and private clients from industries such as construction, education, health care, insurance, manufacturing, real estate, utilities and critical infrastructure, marine and charitable organizations, on state and federal data privacy and security investigations, as well as emergency data breach response and mitigation. Linn is an Adjunct Professor of the Practice of Cybersecurity at Brown University and an Adjunct Professor of Law at Roger Williams University School of Law.  Prior to joining the firm, Linn served as assistant attorney general and deputy chief of the Civil Division of the Attorney General’s Office for the State of Rhode Island. She earned her J.D. from Loyola University School of Law and her B.A., with honors, in American Studies from Newcomb College of Tulane University. She is admitted to practice law in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Read her full bio here.